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Our popular Kids on Country Program reaches new heights
May 29, 2023

Nature Foundation is proud to announce that longer-term funding has been secured to maintain and expand our successful Kids on Country Junior Ranger Program.

The funding, from the National Indigenous Australia Agency, will allow us to continue to provide this program which engages young Aboriginal people in practical, on-Country activities, helping inspire them to pursue future study or careers in conservation and land management.


Read our latest newsletter – Nature Matters: Winter 2023
May 26, 2023

We are pleased to share with you our first edition of Nature Matters for 2023.

In this issue we provide details of our current Vital Work Appeal, raising essential funds to assist with fencing and additional accommodation at our Hiltaba Nature Reserve. We also have some very exciting news regarding our popular Kids on Country junior ranger program.


Forever Nature Fund launched!
December 16, 2022

Nature Foundation recently celebrated the launch of their most ambitious fund yet, the Forever Nature Fund, aiming to raise $20m by 2030 to support nature conservation efforts. The fund, presented by Board Director Bec Hardy, aligns with Australia's commitment to protect 30% of its land and sea by the same year. This significant initiative encourages supporters to contribute towards a nature-positive future, either through ongoing donations or once-off contributions, with the end goal of securing the preservation of the Arid Lands of South Australia and beyond.


Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby update
August 31, 2022

The Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (YFRW) population, once widespread in South Australia, faced depletion due to hunting and invasive species post-European settlement. However, the Hiltaba Nature Reserve, a 78,000 ha habitat managed by Nature Foundation since 2012, has seen promising signs of YFRW recovery following an intensive control program targeting feral goats, cats, and foxes. In a hopeful turn of events, the wallabies are now successfully breeding and expanding their presence, as evidenced by increased sightings and evidence from trapping work, supporting the comeback of this native species within their historical range.


More iron-grass for Tiliqua
August 31, 2022

This winter, Nature Foundation orchestrated the planting of 700 Iron-grass seedlings at the Tiliqua Nature Reserve, home to the endangered pygmy Bluetongue lizards. Planting efforts were meticulously planned to avoid disrupting the habitat of these lizards, with rotational managers establishing grazing exclosures to protect the seedlings from sheep and kangaroos. This project, a collaboration between Nature Foundation, Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, and Mid Murray Landcare SA, is part of the 'Iron-grass native grassland project', funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.


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